
Showing posts from October, 2021

[Do you want to go once? Dream House] Mayoi-ga [Yokai Encyclopedia]

 Meaning of name "Mayoiga" is written in Chinese characters as "迷い家" "迷い(mayoi)" means to get lost. "家 (ga)" means a house. A fine house Mayoiga is a fine house that you can rarely reach when you get lost in the mountains. Want to go once? There are many chickens and cows in Mayoiga. And there are also gorgeous tableware and delicious food. But no one lives there. It is said that once you go and live there, you will never be able to come back. The person who could not come back is said to have been ※ " Kamigakushi" in the village. if can come back from Mayoiga? However, sometimes I come back from Mayoiga. There is a story that if you bring something back from Mayoiga at that time, you will be happy after that. For example, there is a story that when you bring a bowl home, grain springs out of it. summary ・ The story of a person who was "Kamigakushi" ・ you can live a good life when I go, but you can't come back ・ When y


About this pace This page explains special terms very briefly. This page will be updated from time to time. How to read this page. Japanese name (Japanese notation: Description example ・Azuki arai(あずきあらい): Appears in the river.Youkai washing red beans. A ・Azuki arai(あずきあらい): Appears in the river.Youkai washing red beans. B C D E F G H I J K ・kaii(かいい): Supernatural phenomena that science cannot explain. And the scary or strange phenomenon in it. Often caused by youkai. ・Kamikakushi(かみかくし): A kaii that occurs in mountains. A person is kidnapped by a supernatural being such as a god. L M ・Mayoiga(まよいが):A fine house in the mountains. you will be happy when If you get home with something . N O ・oni(おに):  About demons. ・onna(おんな):  Meaning woman.  It is often used in the name of a female youkai. ・otoko(おとこ):  Meaning woman.  It is often used in the name of a male  youkai. P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

[Japanese Siren] Iso Onna [Yokai Encyclopedia]

Meaning of name "Iso" means rocky shore. "Onna" means a woman. In other words, "Iso Onna" means a woman who appears on the rocky shore. A little sexy appearance Iso Onna is a human woman above from the chest up, and her lower body is ghostly blurred. When you try to call out ... Raise a sharp voice and stiffen the opponent. In addition, Iso Onna's black hair sucks live blood. In this way, when you call out to Iso Onna, you are deprived of  freedom and sucked live blood by her. Case study In Nagasaki Prefecture, it is said that you should not fish on New Year's Eve and the 17th night of the Bon Festival. Once upon a time, there used to be a man who went fishing on a day when he shouldn't fish. When he tried to catch the fish and go home , he heard someone's voice from the darkness, and he got a punch on the his profile, and died without leaving the floor. It is said to be the be cursed of Iso Onna. counterplan Put three straw hairs on the

[Old Woman Series] Tenaga-Babaa [Yokai Encyclopedia]

Residence She lives at the bottom of the water, but seems to be in wells and ponds. It is also said that in Aomori prefecture, they lived in the mountains and reached out from the mountains to eat the sea shellfish.  Appearance "Tenaga" means long hands. So its appearance is an old woman with long hands and white hair. What does she do? To drag a child playing by the water to the bottom of the water. Youkai category Education / Lessons Youkai A youkai born to educate children playing in dangerous places such as wells and ponds. There is also a folklore that can be thought of as a youkai analogy called "Tenaga-Ashinaga". summary ・ Basically living on the bottom of the water ・ Using their long hands, they are dragging their children into the water and picking shellfish ・ Youkai for education

[Old Woman Series] Yonaki-Babaa [Yokai Encyclopedia]

 Meaning of name "Yonaki" means crying at night. "Babaa" means an old   hag. Where to appear It's a youkai that appears in a house where something sad happened. What does she do? She cries in front of the house.   cries very much. ···Annoying. Only cry? Don't be so naive. When Yonaki-Babaa appears at night and cries in front of the house, people are affected by it and cry. It is said that if this is repeated, the house will be even more unhappy. Yonaki-Babaa fellow youkai It is said to be a member of the plague god because it causes unlucky by crying. summary ・ Cry in front of the house and make others cry ・ Call for unhappiness ・ Fellow of the plague god

[Old Woman Series] Yama-uba [Yokai Encyclopedia]

Residence It is an old woman youkai who lives in the mountains. Yama-uba kindly provides accommodation for lost travelers, and prepares meals and beds. At that time she will be kind in the form of an ordinary old woman. However, it is said that after the traveler goes to bed, the Yama-uba becomes a true figure and eats the traveler. The theory that the true identity is an old woman who was abandoned in the mountains because of reducing the number of mouths one needs to feed, and that the shrine maiden who serves the mountain god became a youkai. In addition, there are also things called "Yamahime" and "Yamajoro" when they are young and classified according to their age. Item The current image seems to be a kitchen knife or an ax, but what I would like to introduce is "Takara Mino". "Takara" means treasure. "Mino" is worn over clothes to prevent rain. In other words, it is a raincoat used in Japan in the old days. And this Yama-uba'

[October] Kannazuki and Kamiarizuki [Japanese culture]

 Old Japanese language "Jugatsu" in Japanese in October. October is called "神無月 ‐ Kannazuki" in old Japanese. This time I will talk about the origin of this Kannazuki. Meaning of the Chinese character "神無月‐Kannazuki" "神" means God in Japanese. "無" means none in Japanese. "月" means month in Japanese. In other words, "神無月‐Kannazuki" means month without gods. Why is month "without" gods. In Japan, there is the word "八百万の神々 ‐ Yaoyorozu no kamigami". "八百万の神々 ‐ Yaoyorozu no kamigami" is a literal translation of eight million gods. It is the Japanese idea that there are not actually eight million gods, but so many gods. And in October, gods from all over Japan gather in a certain place to hold a certain meeting, so there will leaves gods from all over Japan . October is called "神在月 ‐ Kamiarizuki" only in a certain place in Japan "在" means exist in Japanese. In other words, &

[God Beast] Hakutaku [Yokai Encyclopedia]

 Originated in China Hakutaku is a beast that the Yellow Emperor met in the sea when he patrols the eastern sea. Exclude the devil Hakutaku told the Yellow Emperor about 11520 species of demons in the world. The Yellow Emperor wrote it down and disseminated it as "Hakutakuzu". This "Hakutakuzu" prevented people from being harmed by demons. Also, because Hakutaku knows more about demons, he is believed to protect people from the harm of youkai , and is often depicted on travel amulets and indoor hanging scrolls. Hakutaku as an auspicious beast In "Sansai Zue", Shirasawa is said to appear when the virtue of the king extends far. Appearance There are various appearances such as a beast with scales, a lion-like appearance, and a human-faced beast. In modern times, it is often depicted like a goat drawn by Toriyama Sekien. From Toriyama Sekien's "Konjaku Hyakki Shuui" Also, in the Ming dynasty of China, the figure of a beast with scales was used

[Unbearable horror] Onihitokuchi [Yokai Encyclopedia]

 Is the original story a love romance? The youkai ※ "Onihitokuchi" introduced this time is a youkai named for posterity and was originally an unnamed youkai that appeared in "Ise Monogatari" written in the early Heian period. The tragedy that happened when he took his eyes off for a moment The outline of the 6th stage "Akutagawa no Dan" of "Ise Monogatari" where "Onihitokuchi" appears is a story of love across different classes. A man who has been going to a woman for many years finally steals her. Then the escape journey of the two begins. The two who were hit by a thunderstorm on the way to escape found an unlocked warehouse, put a woman inside, and the man was guarding with a bow outside. The moment the man took his eyes off, the woman was eaten with a bite by the demon hiding in the warehouse. The screams she gave were drowned out by the thunderstorm, and when the man noticed, she was no longer there. It took more than 800 years

[Half-human half-fish] Mermaid [Yokai Encyclopedia]

 Mermaid, Siren, Ningyo  There are many ways to call it, but what kind of image do you have of then? Perhaps    you have this in mind. It is an image of    Western mermaids, a beautiful humanoid creature with a half-human and half-fish appearance. Of course, there are mermaids in Japan as well. ↓Here   is a picture of a mermaid drawn in an old Japanese newspaper. It's almost like a fish 😅 The student who saw this for the first time said, "I can't eat fish for a while." Western mermaids and Japanese mermaids Now, let me introduce the differences between these two types of   mermaids other than their appearance. Western mermaids are good at singing, and    who have heard their song will try to go to where the mermaids are. People were afraid of them since sailors might steer the ship into rocks and reefs, sinking the ship in the process. As for Japanese mermaids, Sometimes it is believed that mermaid corpses may appear floating on  the beach. Mermaid corpses’ appearan

[Time and place] Conditions for meeting youkai [Yokai Encyclopedia]

 keyword The keyword is "boundary". time The time boundaries are as follows. There are three types: morning and day, day and night (evening), and night and morning (dawn). The Japanese experience and recognize time by the movement of the sun. For that reason, this time boundary is ambiguous, and each person feels differently. In the case of I, Between morning and noon → About 10:30 to 12:00 Between day and night → Between 16:00 and 18:00 Between night and morning → About 2:00 to 4:00 The above is my feeling, but how about everyone? example In the evening, I couldn't recognize the face of the person I was facing, so the word ※1 "Tare zo kare wa" Became ※2 "Tasogare". Toriyama Sekien drew a painting called "Omagatoki" with twilight as the time to "au(meet)" the "Ma(demon)". "Omagatoki" place The villages and towns where people live and the places where "demons" live, such as mountains and the sea, were

[Always smiling] Ninmenju [Yokai Encyclopedia]

Original laughing bag Ninmenju is a tree that is said to have been in ancient China. They have flowers that resemble human faces and laugh when asked, but they don't seem to understand the language. When the flower laughs too much ... If it laugh too much, the flowers of Ninmenju will deflate and fall . Is there a fruit? Ninmenju sometimes bears fruit, and the fruit is called "jinmenshi" and ripens in autumn. The taste is "sweet and sour". However, this fruit seed is almost the same as a human face and has eyes, nose, and mouth. summary ・ A tree that is said to have been in ancient China ・ Flowers and seeds are human faces ・ Flowers laugh when asked, but when they laugh too much, they deflate and fall ・ Actually, autumn is the best time to eat, and it tastes sweet and sour.

【Annual event】Children's Day [May 5]

One of Gosekku Children's Day is one of the five festivals and is held on May 5th in Japan.   What is Gosekku Gosekku is an annual event held at the turning point of the season, which is derived from the Ying-Yang Five Elements theory derived from ancient China, and there are also festival dishes to be eaten at each event. Children's day cooking In China, I used to chop irises and drink them. In Japan, irises are floated in the bath to make iris hot water. We eat kashiwa mochi in the Kanto region and chimaki in the Kanto region. It became a festival for boys Initially, it was an annual event to be aware of the turning points of the season. That is the same reading as the Chinese character "尚武(Shobu)", which means that the Chinese character " ※1 菖蒲(Shoubu)" values ​​martial arts and military affairs and the shape of the iris leaves is reminiscent of a sword , making it a festival for boys. After that, he began to celebrate the growth of boys and pray for his

[I'm KING] Shuten-doji [Yokai Encyclopedia]

Oni(Demon) top It is no exaggeration to say that it is the most famous demon in Japan. However, he was not a demon from the beginning. Shuten-doji was originally a person named Gaidomaru who lived in Niigata, and was also called Ibuki-doji . At one point, this Ibuki Doji remembered the taste of human flesh and was kicked out of the people. After that, he moved from place to place and eventually became Shuten-doji, the general of demon  who settled in Mt. Oe. Both sake and woman are mine As the name suggests, ※ Shuten-doji is said to have been a favorite of sake. In addition, although "doji" means a child, he looks like a child in the daytime , and I think that showing his true identity to a giant demon that exceeds 2 meters at night is one of the reasons why he is called  "doji" . It is said that Shuten-doji, who had a very strong power and was accompanied by many subordinates, was based in Mt. Oe and kidnapped many people and ate the meat. He likes sake too muc

[Be rich] Kanedama [Yokai Encyclopedia]

Youkai category Education / Lessons Youkai What kind of mystery? It is the money that falls on the homes of people who are living seriously and hard without being lazy . It is said to be a gift from heaven for serious people. summary ・ Money falling from heaven ・ If you do your best seriously, you may meet someday