Name and Kanji The name is "Ushioni" or "Gyuki" . Written in kanji, it is "牛鬼" . "牛(Ushi)" means cow and "鬼(oni)" means demon. Ibaraki Doji stole the lead role In "Taiheiki" , a bull demon appears in the story of Watanabe no Tsuna (渡辺綱) , a retainer of Minamoto no Raiko(源頼光) , who has his arm cut off by Tsuna Watanabe, and comes in the guise of Raiko's mother to get it back. However, this story was later taken over by Ibaraki-doji, who is said to have been a retainer of Shuten-doji , and became the story that made Ibaraki-doji famous . What cattle demons do varies from region to region Later, the bull demon came to be passed down as a folk tale. In this case, they often appear in places where there is water, such as pools, waterfalls, and the sea. ①Shimane Prefecture It appears from the sea and uses a specter called a Nureonna as a scout. Nureonna is a woman with a baby in her arms who asks people she meets on...
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