Name and Kanji The name is "Ushioni" or "Gyuki" . Written in kanji, it is "牛鬼" . "牛(Ushi)" means cow and "鬼(oni)" means demon. Ibaraki Doji stole the lead role In "Taiheiki" , a bull demon appears in the story of Watanabe no Tsuna (渡辺綱) , a retainer of Minamoto no Raiko(源頼光) , who has his arm cut off by Tsuna Watanabe, and comes in the guise of Raiko's mother to get it back. However, this story was later taken over by Ibaraki-doji, who is said to have been a retainer of Shuten-doji , and became the story that made Ibaraki-doji famous . What cattle demons do varies from region to region Later, the bull demon came to be passed down as a folk tale. In this case, they often appear in places where there is water, such as pools, waterfalls, and the sea. ①Shimane Prefecture It appears from the sea and uses a specter called a Nureonna as a scout. Nureonna is a woman with a baby in her arms who asks people she meets on...
What is Inoue Enryo? Enryo Inoue was a Buddhist philosopher and educator. He was a teacher who focused on philosophy to gain diverse perspectives and built a school called Tetugakukan (means Philosophy Hall), which is now Toyo University . He studied youkai (ghosts) in an attempt to break through the monstrosities and youkai and gave lectures on them , and was also known as "Dr. Haunted" or "Dr. Youkai" . He also developed a board game called "Tetugakutobisyougo" (meaning "Philosophy Flying Shogi") , a compromise of the rules of both Go and Shogi because it takes a long time to settle the game. Inoue Enryo (March 18, 1858 - June 6, 1919) strangely classified Inoue Enryo divided youkai into two main categories. It is "Kyokai" and "Jikai" . He further explained that it can be subdivided into four categories: "Gikai" and "Gokai" within Kyokai, and "Kakai" and "Shinkai" within Jik...
Anime that is popular in Japan now Nowadays, the anime " Jujutsu Kaisen " is popular in Japan. This anime is a story about an ordinary high school boy eating a youkai relic and gaining powerful power. The youkai relic is a youkai's finger called " Ryomen Sukuna " . Ryomensukuna is a youkai with faces on both the front and back of the head, and has a total of eight limbs . This Ryomensukuna is a youkai that actually appears not only in anime but also in Japanese folk tales. Of course, eating the youkai's relics doesn't give you any power. However, youkai relics remain in various parts of Japan . This time, as part of that, we will introduce the relics of Kappa. Kappa Zuiryuji Temple Zuiryuji is a temple in Osaka. There is a kappa mummy here. It is said that the kappa has a plate on the head and a shell on the back , but this mummy does not. There are 5 fingers and toes each. Hair is reddish brown. The mouth has a face reminiscent of fish . Manzoji T...
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